-You can accrue net pay from gross to net and net to gross on a monthly, daily and hourly basis of workers and management personnel subject to the SGK,

-You can update legal parameters with a single key,
-You can declare SGK online clock-in and clock-out with a single key,
-You can save the personnel information of all employees and can report it with the preferred criteria,
-You can procure a payroll list from the bank that your company works with,
-You can calculate the severance pay and payment in lieu of notice for a single personnel and transfer it to bordereau with a single key,



-You can input annual leave, paid leave and unpaid leave, track annual leave and can automatically make time marks on bordereaux,
-You can begin the bordereau preparation process on the basis of records or on a standard checking system for all personnel,
-You can create an e-proclamation and uploaded onto the e-proclamation website,
-You can prepare all official proclamations (TUIK data, Police and military police identification statements, Iskur manpower chart, SGK forms)